
Technology and Sports Science

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Otto - Sports Data Innovation S.L

GPS Technology In Soccer

GPS Technology: Great changes within reach for every football club.

GPS technology in football has become increasingly popular due to the vast number of benefits it offers. OLIVER is an Argentine company with a strong presence in Spain whose device is accessible to teams at all levels. In this article, we'll discuss the advantages and opportunities that the use of GPS technology provides for football clubs where financial resources are limited.

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most common injuries in women's football

The Invisible Injuries of Women's Football

Women's football, like all sports, comes with its fair share of physical injuries. From strains and sprains to really serious injuries, female football players are just as prone to getting hurt as their male counterparts. However, the physical toll of the game can often go unreported or unrecognized, as women's football is not as visible or commercially successful as men's football. This lack of visibility can make it harder for female players to access the same medical care quality and support as men players. All of this makes injury recovery something more difficult for women.

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